Emily and her family have lived in Nags Head since 2013 and on the Outer Banks since 2005. Her husband owns and operates a successful audio video company. Emily works as a part-time owner services associate for Twiddy & Company, allowing her to earn an income while also caring for the couple’s two young children.

When Emily was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2023, there were so many unknowns. What type of treatment would she receive? How high would the uncovered medical costs be? How much time would she be away from work? How much work would her husband also miss?

Emily’s friend, who knows the stresses associated with a new cancer diagnosis, filled out one application that connected Emily to assistance from both the Outer Banks Relief Foundation and Interfaith Community Outreach’s (ICO) cancer services.

The Relief Foundation provided three months of mortgage payments for Emily, and ICO covered utility expenses.

The Relief Foundation also collaborated with the Outer Banks Woman’s Club to help Emily access cooling cap treatments. This amazing therapy can prevent those undergoing chemotherapy from losing their hair, something especially important for a mother of young children. The cold cap worked very well for Emily; she lost some hair but was able to style it so the thinning wasn’t as noticeable.

“I really appreciate how nice everyone was and how easy it was to go through the application and receive the approval. We are extremely grateful for the assistance provided.”

Emily’s prognosis is good. She continues to see her doctors as needed; she has started working with a trainer; and she meets with a local specialist to review nutrition and exercise choices that should help lower the chance of recurrence.

“The help you provided was fantastic, as it took one worry off my mind so I could focus on my health journey and spending time with my family.”

Meet Emily

Assistance provided to Emily is a collaboration between

OBRF-ICO Collaboration