ICO Honors Retiring Board Members & Introduces 2018 Board of Directors

“No one hears the cry of the poor or the sound of a wooden bell” 
 – Haitian Proverb

The ICO Wooden Bell Award, crafted individually by Haitian artisans, brings this proverb to visibility as a symbol proclaiming the reality not only of impoverished Haiti but also as a symbol of the work of the Interfaith Community Outreach. In choosing the Wooden Bell to gift and mark the work of its Board Members, ICO testifies to its understanding and commitment as a caring community and solidarity with those in need. On May 17, 2018 ICO presented the Wooden Bell Award to the following individuals for their service as they retire from the Board of Directors: Dale Draper, Joan Fordham, Marie Neilson and Courtney Gallop.

ICO Retiring Board Members

Joan Fordham, Dale Draper and Courtney Gallop (not in picture, Marie Neilson)