Give the Gift of Hope

Give the Gift of Hope



“Believe you can and you are halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt 

Dear Friends & Supporters of ICO,

As I shook hands with a cancer client who was so grateful for Interfaith Community Outreach’s (ICO) help providing transportation for chemotherapy treatments, he asked me to thank YOU! Yesterday ICO helped a young mother struggling to pay an electric bill due to the illness of her son. She hugged me and asked me to thank YOU! We just helped a family who found themselves homeless after their home was flooded by Hurricane Michael, and they asked me to thank YOU! 

Thanks to your generous support over the past 13 years, YOU have made it possible to help over 7,000 families. YOU have enabled your neighbors in need to get back on the pathway of being productive, self-sustainable citizens. It is YOU who enables ICO staff and volunteers to keep the vision alive of ‘Bridging The Gap,” so no one will face an emergency crisis alone. To YOU, for each of them, I say thank YOU. 

The quote above byTheodore Roosevelt reminds us that believing is the beginning of accomplishing any worthwhile goal. But to reach the goal requires commitment and action. ICO provides an avenue for your compassion to be connected. Believe in ICO and we are halfway there. Say Yes, and donate to ICO and we can fulfill our mission and vision. From all the Staff, Board, Volunteers and Clients, we would like to wish YOU a Happy Holiday Season! 

Thank YOU, 

Jenniffer Albanese, Executive Director