Governor's Award for Volunteer Service Awarded to ICO's Karen DeBellis

Governor's Award for Volunteer Service Awarded to ICO's Karen DeBellisCONGRATULATIONS KAREN DEBELLIS!

Karen DeBellis and her husband J.D. retired and moved to Kitty Hawk, N.C., from Florida 2017. Karen was Senior Vice President at Franklin Templeton Mutual Funds when she retired. Karen is a retired CPA and plugged herself right into volunteering and serving the residents of Dare County. Karen served on the Dare Education Foundation, as treasurer. She also volunteered with Guardian ad Litem for two years. She is currently the Treasurer for Kitty Hawk UMC and Interfaith Community Outreach. Karen’s heart is in helping those in need. She not only serves on the ICO Executive Board, she also volunteers daily helping with program outreach, disaster outreach and wherever needed to serve our residents in need. Congratulations again Karen on this amazing award! We are so proud to have you as part of our ICO family!

Rick Setty and Nick D’Amato with Knights of Columbus Council 8759 presented Jenniffer Albanese, Executive Director of Interfaith Community Outreach with a check in the amount of $500.00 to help continue its mission of “Providing Assistance to Individuals and families who are facing a Temporary Emergency; Bridging the Gap: Where no one will face an Emergency Crisis Alone. “Your dedication and hard work is truly inspirational and the Knights are proud to play a small part, stated Rick Setty”.
Rick Setty and Nick D’Amato with Knights of Columbus Council 8759 presented Jenniffer Albanese, Executive Director of Interfaith Community Outreach with a check in the amount of $500.00 to help continue its mission of “Providing Assistance to Individuals and families who are facing a Temporary Emergency; Bridging the Gap: Where no one will face an Emergency Crisis Alone. “Your dedication and hard work is truly inspirational and the Knights are proud to play a small part, stated Rick Setty”.

From Left Rick Setty, Grand Knight, Jenniffer Albanese, Executive Director, Nick D’Amato, Deputy Grant Knight, ICO Volunteers, Russ Laney, Bobbi Defenbaugh, Teresa Sengel and Dale Draper.

Rick Setty and Nick D’Amato with Knights of Columbus Council 8759 presented Jenniffer Albanese, Executive Director of Interfaith Community Outreach with a check in the amount of $500.00 to help continue its mission of “Providing Assistance to Individuals and families who are facing a Temporary Emergency; Bridging the Gap: Where no one will face an Emergency Crisis Alone. “Your dedication and hard work is truly inspirational and the Knights are proud to play a small part, stated Rick Setty”.

Interfaith Community Outreach (ICO), Community is part of our name because it’s at the heart of who we are. Over the past 20 years ICO has provided over 5 million dollars of direct support and has been Bridging the Gap” in our community serving and helping our neighbors in need, from the single father in cancer treatment at risk of losing his home to the neighbor who can’t afford for an urgently needed prescription. We understand that unexpected crises can happen to anyone, and rapid, compassionate support reflects the values of our community. Outreach is more than helping just one person. It is about being present day after day to help the server, store clerk, veteran, firefighter, teacher, grandmother, friend, coworker, neighbor – anyone who urgently needs a helping hand. 

If you are interested in donating, volunteering or if you need help, please contact ICO at (252) 480-0070 or go to or visit our site




Give The Gift of Hope! We Appreciate Your Support!

Interfaith Community Outreach Annual Appeal Letter


Skylar Wood

The mission of First Flight High School  is to be “committed to providing an education that promotes intellectual growth, initiative and responsibility, and rigorous, reflective learning in a nurturing environment.”   An integral part of that initiative is the internship program offered to junior and senior students, which (for FFHS) is overseen by faculty member Camie Romano.  “The internship program, which is district wide, is important because it gives students beneficial workplace learning, where one can explore a career path they find interest in,” said Romano, “Though sometimes they find that what they thought was a potential career path is not to be one after all.”  

ICO has participated in the internship program provided by Dare County Schools for the last several years.  This year, the 2023/24 academic year, Skylar Wood, a junior from Colington, decided to pursue the internship with ICO Executive Director, Jenniffer Albanese, the staff and volunteers.  “In fact, Skylar has enjoyed it so much that she has decided to extend the internship to a full year,” said Romano.

Skylar was interested in seeing how a business functions, and nonprofit agencies were not on her radar.  Her initial interest was in pursuing the business of for-profit physical therapy. However, when ICO was suggested, she explored the option with a tour of and orientation to what services ICO provides the community, and she was hooked.  “I was interested in an internship where I could learn business because understanding how a business is run, with its organizational structure, how finances work, and the work flow of its employees, is a skill that will translate to any path I pursue whether for profit or nonprofit,” said Skylar. 

As an intern, Skylar enjoys working with the volunteers, staff and clients.  She has been given a wide range of responsibilities and tasks from bank deposits to entering volunteer hours and other data into the computer, to attending meetings and helping at fundraisers.  “I helped with the Alice Kelly Fundraiser, which was really fun and eye-opening.  I was like Jenniffer’s personal assistant and was happy to do whatever was needed, like stuffing the gift bags.”

Skylar goes in almost every day, Monday through Friday.  She recognizes the value the volunteers bring to the organization.  “I’ve met a lot of hardworking people and learned a lot from them.  I‘ve learned a lot of adult skills,” she said.  “I like helping people, and the work I do at ICO really helps people in need.  I hope to continue to be a part of this amazing nonprofit through till summer and maybe beyond.”

As for Jenniffer, she loves having Skylar around, as do the others who spend their time working together towards helping to provide important services to Outer Banks community members in need.  “Skylar is an amazing addition to our team, I couldn’t be happier with her dedication to ICO,” said Jenniffer, “I am glad she has found an internship home here.”

Annual Senior Health & Wellness Day Currituck County

Thank you for supporting the Annual Senior Health & Wellness Day in Currituck County! ICO was there as well as 18 different vendors, 90+ seniors attended, 48 flu shots were given, and 118 lunches were purchased!


Annual Senior Health & Wellness Day Currituck County Annual Senior Health & Wellness Day Currituck County

Interfaith Community Outreach

To highlight its 40th anniversary, the Outer Banks Community Foundation announced in March that it would award a $40,000 special impact grant to address mental health and substance abuse issues on the Outer Banks. This new program seeks to expand mental health care in Dare County.

Sound Minds is a collaborative partnership through Interfaith Community Outreach, Outer Banks Relief Foundation, and the Dare County Department of Health and Human Services. Funding is provided through the Outer Banks Community Foundation.



Read More about the Sound Minds Grant 

Dare County Schools Volleyball Dig Pink 2023 Fundraiser

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Many of our players, families, fans, and coaches have been affected by breast cancer. Through this fundraiser we will unite to benefit local families fighting this disease.

All money raised through this fundraiser stays local in Dare County to help those in our community.

Make a T-shirt purchase and support a Dare County resident battling breast cancer.

Donate Now

Dare County Schools Volleyball Dig Pink 2023 Fundraiser

Travis Tritt Tickets - Outer Banks concert

Travis Tritt Tickets - Outer Banks concert

Only a few 10 Ticket Bundles for Travis Tritt in Concert at Roanoke Island Festival Park available!
ONLY 15 Bundles Remaining! The concert is sold out of all other tickets! Available only at


Travis Tritt Concert Tickets Bundle

10 Ticket Bundles for Travis Tritt. ONLY 15 Bundles Remaining! The concert is sold out of all other tickets! Each bundle purchase will offer 2 incentives:
1. Tailgate Party: Catered "tailgate lunch" before gates on the day of show with special appearance, meet & greet with Chase Matthew! 2. RAFFLE TICKETS - A raffle will be hosted to help raise additional funds for these groups, The Raffle will include - AUTOGRAPHED ITEMS from Travis Tritt & Chase Matthew. Also including amazing prizes from the OBX Community. Official details to be found on social media via ICO and VusicOBX in the coming weeks. Purchased Bundles are available for pick-up at ICO office or we can deliver to you.

  • Price: $600.00
    10 Tickets. 2 Tailgate Passes, & 10 Raffle Tickets in this Bundle.
  • $0.00




Dear Friends,

Are birds building nests near you? They are here!

Spring is the season of renewal – renewing connections with communities, faith, families, and friends. In the Outer Banks, spring is also a season of building. Here at ICO, we are busy building new bridges of connection within our community, continuing to provide assistance to neighbors in need during an unexpected crisis.

Scott is a single father of 4, a small business owner on the Outer Banks and the sole earner for his household. Diagnosed with cancer in January, he has been trying to work and raise his children while receiving treatment. ICO helped this family in their time of crisis, allowing Scott to focus on recovering from the surgery, chemo, and radiation he needs, supporting him during times of reduced income. Before the illness, Scott knew little about ICO despite being a contributing business owner. Being on the other side of that door was an eye opening and spiritual experience for him. “The people and the support from Interfaith are amazing. Amazing!”

Here’s another story about connecting with a neighbor. An elderly veteran lost the use of his car after an accident caused by another driver. His car connected him to medical appointments, the grocery, and the pharmacy. This gentleman was contemplating suicide when he reached out for help. When he called us, I happened to answer the phone and assured him we were here to lift him up.

He broke down and cried, so grateful that we were there in his time of desperation. Through the kindhearted giving of donors like yourself, ICO was able to provide him the financial assistance needed which alleviated his crisis and renewed his hope.

Will you help us build these new bridges of connection? Continuing our outreach requires continuous support. All gifts big and small help to connect ICO to those in crisis, honoring our vision of Bridging the Gap when neighbors find themselves in need of hope, kindness, and connection.

Thank you for your ongoing generosity and compassion.

Yours in faith,
Jenniffer Albanese