Bringing The Wall That Heals Exhibit to our Veterans on the Outer Banks
The Veterans Advisory Council helps Dare County Veterans by serving as a liaison with the community in coordinating services and activities benefiting Veterans and their families. Members of the Veterans Advisory Council solicit information and provide updates about community-based activities honoring Veterans. Meetings of the Veterans Advisory Council are open to the public.
ICO is collaborating with DCVAC in hoping to bring The Wall That Heals exhibit to our Veterans on the Outer Banks in 2023. This exhibit features a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. The replica is 375 feet in length and stands 7.5 feet high at its tallest point. Visitors experience The Wall rising above them as they walk towards the apex, a key feature of the design of The Wall in D.C.
Like the original Memorial, The Wall That Heals is erected in a chevron-shape and visitors can do name rubbings of individual service member’s names on The Wall. The replica is constructed of Avonite, a synthetic granite, and its 140 numbered panels are supported by an aluminum frame. Machine engraving of the more than 58,000 names along with modern LED lighting provide readability of The Wall day and night.
As on The Wall, the names on The Wall That Heals are listed by day of casualty. Beginning at the center/apex, the names start on the East Wall (right-hand side) working their way out to the end of that wing, picking up again at the far end of the West Wall (left-hand side) and working their way back in to the center/apex, joining the beginning and end of the conflict at the center.
If you would like more information about the services of DCVAC please call Patty O’Sullivan, Veterans Affairs Administrator 252-475-5604, or Interfaith Community Outreach, please call Jenniffer Albanese, Executive Director 252-480-0070
If you would like to donate to Veteran Outreach in hoping to bring the Wall That Heals exhibit to our Veterans on the Outer Banks, please use our secure donation form:
Donation Form - Veteran Outreach
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