• General Information

  • (e.g. Drivers License Number, etc.)
  • We need a contact phone number so if you have only one please fill this one out.

  • Family Status

  • Other person(s) living with you:

  • Special Needs

  • Social Service Assistance

  • Household Income and Expenses

  • Person 1 Income

  • Person 2 Income

  • Expenses

  • Document Upload

    You can take a picture of your documents or id and upload them below.
  • You can upload multiple images or files
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 9 GB.
    • You can upload multiple images or files
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 9 GB.
      • Agreement & Signature

        I certify that the information on this form is true and correct. Falsified information will result in denial of assistance. I give Interfaith Community Outreach (ICO) permission to verify any information necessary to determine my eligibility for Emergency Assistance. I authorize ICO to discuss my household’s situation with members of Dare and Currituck County DSS, Food Pantry, Hotline, Health Department and any other individuals or organizations necessary to determine the need and identify appropriate assistance. I understand that there are regulations protecting the confidentiality of authorized information to verify assistance received or denied. I hereby acknowledge that this consent is truly voluntary and is valid for 180 days. I understand that I may revoke this consent at any time except to the extent that information has already been released before I revoke it.
      • Clear Signature
      • MM slash DD slash YYYY
      • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

      If you can’t fill out the online form or would prefer to print, fill out, and mail a PDF version, click the download button below and follow the instructions on the PDF.