First National Bank – Donation to Interfaith Community Outreach


First National Bank donation to ICO

Picture from left: Jamie Costa, Manager First National Bank, Monika Zajac-Lorke, Personal Banking Representative, First National Bank and Jenniffer Albanese, Executive Director, Interfaith Community Outreach (ICO).


Monika Zajac-Lorke, Personal Banking Representative at First National Bank in Nags Head was honored with a $2,000 Regional Community Spirit Award for her outstanding service to our community.  Monika spilt her donation with two charities and ICO Cancer Outreach benefited with a donation of $1000.00.  ICO helps Dare and Currituck County residents that are facing a temporary emergency crisis.  ICO Cancer Outreach Program helps families with transportation reimbursement and living expenses while going through treatment.  If you know of anyone that is facing a temporary emergency crisis or has cancer and needs help, please call 252-480-0070.