12th Annual ICO Tee For A Cure Golf Tournament

Marie Neilson & Jennifer Schwartzenberg: Outer Banks Hospital Team
On June 27th, 30 teams took to Duck Woods Country Club in support of Interfaith Community Outreach, (ICO).
From its office in Kill Devil Hills, ICO provides direct financial support to people who are facing a temporary emergency crisis. ICO also puts clients on the Outer Banks in touch with other agencies that provide support services. In 2018 ICO was able to give back over $300,000 in monetary outreach to our neighbors facing temporary financial crises. The Tournament rose over $15,000 to support this work. Congratulation to the winning team, “Towne Bank” with a score of 56, players were David McGlaughon, Jim Braithwaite, Chris Seward & Henry Ezzell. Executive Director Jenniffer Albanese says, “A big thank you to all the players, the sponsors, volunteers and the donors who made the day fun and allow ICO to keep helping those in our community who need temporary assistance to get back on their feet.”
Interfaith Community Outreach (ICO) mission is to provide assistance to individuals facing a temporary emergency crisis. Last year ICO was able to help 947 families, and give back to our community over $300,000 in monetary outreach. ICO office is in Kill Devil Hills at 115 Mustian Street. If you’d like to make a donation, join their volunteer staff, or refer someone, please call 252-480-0070 or go online to www.interfaithoutreach.com to apply for assistance.
If you are in a position to help, please assist your neighbors today with a tax-deductible gift to ICO or go to www.obcf.org/donate.
Jenniffer Albanese, Executive Director
Interfaith Community Outreach, Inc.
PO Box 1663 – 115 Mustian Street
Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948
252-480-0070 phone
252-261-6342 fax